Common measurements

Even to the most veteran of chefs, some measurement conversions can still make your head spin. Print or bookmark this page for your convenience.
Equivalent Measurements
Dash = less than 1/8 teaspoon 4 quarts (liquid) = 1 gallon
3 tsp. = 1 tbsp. 8 quarts (solid) = 1 peck
1 cup = 1/2 pint 4 pecks = 1 bushel
2 cups = 1 pint 16 ounces = 1 pound
2 pints (4 cups) = 1 quart
Tablespoon Measurements
4 tbsp. = 1/4 cup 12 tbsp. = 3/4 cup
5 tbsp. + 1 tsp. = 1/3 cup 14 tbsp. = 7/8 cup
8 tbsp. = 1/2 cup 16 tbsp. = 1 cup
10 tbsp. + 2 tsp. = 2/3 cup
Metric Conversions
These amounts have been rounded slightly for easier use.
Volume Measurements
1 teaspoon = 5 ml 2/3 cup = 150 ml
1 tablespoon = 15 ml 3/4 cup = 175 ml
1/4 cup = 60 ml 1 cup = 250 ml
1/3 cup = 75 ml 1 quart = (4 cups) 1 l
1/2 cup = 125 ml 1 gallon = (4 quarts) 4 l
Weight Measurements
1/2 ounce = 15 g 8 ounces = 225 g
1 ounce = 30 g 12 ounces = 350 g
3 ounces = 90 g 16 ounces (1 pound) = 450 g
4 ounces = 115 g 2 1/4 pounds = 1 kg
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